Yet another awesome website by Phlox theme.
Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms.” ~ Roy Lichtenstein
Behind every note, every stroke, every word, every step – is a process of discovery and the whimsical endeavour to understand the world around us. The arts are integral to us as individuals as well as a community, not only because they encourage expression and emphasize the human experience, but also because they form a powerful foundation for us as future thinkers, teachers, academics, citizens and leaders. Modern science reveals that early exposure to the creative arts promotes essential activity in the young brain. We now know the arts nurture the development of cognitive, social, physical and language competencies; the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation and self-motivation is a direct result of creative learning, as are the tools necessary to maintain focus, problem-solve and communicate. It is with this knowledge of how the arts impact our society that the Wolverton Foundation seeks to dream a new dream for children in British Columbia. It is our mission to assist under privileged, disenfranchised or disabled school age children with opportunities for artistic expression to maximize their creative, academic and social potential. Self-concept equals success. We hope you will join in the vision to feed our children’s dreams.
Creating opportunities for musical education for youth who face barriers in their lives – to maximize their creative, academic and social potential.
Achieving one’s full potential through artistic expression.